Get Relief From Pain & Discomfort
Remove Troublesome Teeth With Extractions
At Forest Lake Smiles, we understand how painful and uncomfortable a damaged tooth can be, and we’re here to help. While tooth extractions are always the last resort at our office, removing a painful tooth and replacing it is sometimes the best path toward restoring your oral health. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and see if a tooth extraction from Forest Lake dentist Dr. Jonathan Siverson is right for you. Call (651) 464-8207 today!

Why Would I Need
A Tooth Extraction?
Most often, tooth extractions are recommended for wisdom teeth. These are the final set of four molars, which usually grow into the mouth between the ages of 17-25. They’re a natural part of the mouth, but lots of people don’t have room for them to erupt properly. This can cause damage to the teeth and gums, a higher risk of infection, and other complications, so extraction is usually recommended if the wisdom teeth are not growing into the mouth properly.
Sometimes, a tooth extraction may also be the best way to resolve a chronic oral health issue, such as gum disease or a tooth infection. It’s not always possible to save the tooth, and extracting it can sometimes be a better option for preventing further complications and providing relief from pain and discomfort.
In addition to these reasons, tooth extractions may sometimes be needed to prepare for other dental treatments. For example, a damaged tooth may need to be pulled to prepare for a dental implant, or multiple teeth could be extracted if a patient is getting a set of full dentures.

What Can I Expect?
The Extraction Process
At your appointment, Dr. Siverson will begin by cleaning your mouth and numbing the extraction site. We use the latest techniques and numbing agents to ensure that you don’t feel any pain or discomfort during the extraction process.
Once your mouth is fully numbed, Dr. Siverson will use a tool called a “dental elevator” to loosen the ligament that connects your tooth to your gums. This may take a few minutes. Once the tooth is loose and is ready to be pulled, he will use dental forceps to grasp the tooth and remove it.
After the tooth is removed, the area will be cleaned, sanitized, and then stitched shut to ensure that it heals properly. If you need to have multiple teeth pulled, this process will be repeated. If not, you’ll be sent home with a set of instructions to follow as you recover from your procedure.
Are There Any Alternatives
To Tooth Extraction?
Yes! Dr. Siverson is a conservative dentist. This means that he will always begin your treatment by exploring the simplest, least-invasive options for restoring your smile. An infected tooth, for example, may be treatable with a root canal and a dental crown, rather than with an extraction.
Dr. Siverson will only recommend an extraction if he truly believes that it’s the best way to restore your smile, eliminate your pain, and prevent further complications. So get in touch now, and explore your options for restorative dentistry in Forest Lake in more detail.
Are Tooth
Extractions Painful?
Believe it or not, an extraction is a painless procedure because it is performed under local anesthesia. By administering numbing agents, we effectively prevent pain sensation, sensitivity, and other discomforts while we work on your tooth.
However, we understand that many patients still experience dental anxiety or don’t like the sounds and pressure associated with feeling dental tools in their mouths. That’s why patients can also be sedated.
A basic extraction is a less invasive and simple procedure, so many patients are able to go through this with a shot of local anesthesia and no sedation. Patients who are having their wisdom teeth removed may need surgical extraction, which is when the patient may prefer to be unconscious.
When under sedation, you can either be conscious but feel incredibly relaxed and calm, or you can be unconscious and completely unaware of your surroundings. We go to great lengths to make our patients as comfortable as possible.
Should I Replace
My Missing Tooth?
With the exception of wisdom teeth, yes, you should always replace missing teeth. Losing a tooth comes with a lot of consequences, including reduced tooth functionality, noticeable gaps in your smile, and, worst of all, bone loss.
Patients who lose a tooth toward the front of the mouth tend to naturally feel motivated enough to replace the tooth because of cosmetic concerns or because food keeps getting stuck in the socket. However, don’t be fooled into thinking that only the visible teeth matter.
When you lose a tooth, chewing forces no longer travel from the roots of the tooth to the jawbone. The lack of stimulation means that the jawbone will begin to atrophy. As time goes on, your bone density decreases.
This can lead to shifting teeth, increasing your risk of future tooth loss, and a lack of support to facial muscles. The more teeth a person is missing, the less support these muscles have, leading to a sunken appearance or even collapsing certain facial features.
There are a few options to replace missing teeth, including dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants. However, only dental implants effectively ameliorate all of the consequences of tooth loss by preventing bone loss.
What Can I Expect During the Tooth Extraction
Recovery Process?
After having a tooth extracted, you can expect the most discomfort to occur in the first three days. In the first 24 hours, you will need to focus on blood clotting by biting down on damp gauze and repeatedly changing them throughout the day.
Swelling will peak 2 to 3 days after the extraction, so you should keep your head elevated and ice the area. Tenderness and discomfort may go on for a few days, so take anti-inflammatory pain medication for relief. You will need to avoid smoking, alcohol, all forms of suction, hard, crunchy, and sticky foods, and rinsing your mouth for the first 24 hours.
Keep eating an exclusively soft food diet for at least a week and after the first day, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater solutions. Practice good oral hygiene by regularly brushing and flossing after the first 24 hours.